This contains my bachelors thesis and associated tex files, code snippets and maybe more. Topic: Data Movement in Heterogeneous Memories with Intel Data Streaming Accelerator
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51 lines
498 B

1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
  1. # ---> C++
  2. # Prerequisites
  3. *.d
  4. # Compiled Object files
  5. *.slo
  6. *.lo
  7. *.o
  8. *.obj
  9. # Precompiled Headers
  10. *.gch
  11. *.pch
  12. # Compiled Dynamic libraries
  13. *.so
  14. *.dylib
  15. *.dll
  16. # Fortran module files
  17. *.mod
  18. *.smod
  19. # Compiled Static libraries
  20. *.lai
  21. *.la
  22. *.a
  23. *.lib
  24. # Executables
  25. *.exe
  26. *.out
  27. *.app
  28. # ---> CMake
  29. */vbuild/
  30. */build/
  31. CMakeLists.txt.user
  32. CMakeCache.txt
  33. CMakeFiles
  34. CMakeScripts
  35. Testing
  36. Makefile
  37. cmake_install.cmake
  38. install_manifest.txt
  39. compile_commands.json
  40. CTestTestfile.cmake
  42. *.idx
  43. *.swp