@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
import os
import csv
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
output_path = " ./plots "
hbm_result = " ./evaluation-results/baseline/current-hbm/qdp-xeonmax-hbm-tca2-tcb0-tcj1-tmul16 -wl4294967296-cs2097152.csv "
dram_result = " ./evaluation-results/baseline/current-dram/qdp-xeonmax-dram-tca2-tcb0-tcj1-tmul16 -wl4294967296-cs2097152.csv "
prefetch_result = " ./evaluation-results/outofcacheallocation/qdp-xeonmax-prefetch-tca2-tcb1-tcj1-tmul16 -wl4294967296-cs8388608.csv "
distprefetch_result = " ./evaluation-results/distprefetch /qdp-xeonmax-distprefetch-tca1-tcb1-tcj1-tmul32-wl4294967296-cs8388608.csv "
hbm_result = " ./evaluation-results/current/qdp-xeonmax-hbm-tca4-tcb0-tcj1-tmul32 -wl4294967296-cs2097152.csv "
dram_result = " ./evaluation-results/current/qdp-xeonmax-dram-tca2-tcb0-tcj1-tmul32 -wl4294967296-cs2097152.csv "
prefetch_result = " ./evaluation-results/current/qdp-xeonmax-prefetch-tca1-tcb1-tcj1-tmul32 -wl4294967296-cs8388608.csv "
distprefetch_result = " ./evaluation-results/current /qdp-xeonmax-distprefetch-tca1-tcb1-tcj1-tmul32-wl4294967296-cs8388608.csv "
tt_name = " rt-ns "
function_names = [ " scana-run " , " scanb-run " , " aggrj-run " ]
@ -31,24 +32,83 @@ def read_timings_from_csv(fname) -> tuple[list[float], list[str]]:
return list ( t . values ( ) ) , list ( t . keys ( ) )
def get_data_prefetch_cache_access ( ) - > tuple [ list [ float ] , list [ str ] ] :
total = 0.47
data = [ 0.01 , 0.01 , 0.04 , 0.42 ]
data = [ x * 100 / total for x in data ]
keys = [ " Cache::GetCacheNode " , " Cache::Access Itself " , " dml::hardware_device::submit " , " dml::make_mem_move_task (operator new) " ]
def read_total_time_from_csv ( fname ) - > float :
time = 0
row_count = 0
with open ( fname , newline = ' ' ) as csvfile :
reader = csv . DictReader ( csvfile , delimiter = ' ; ' )
for row in reader :
row_count = row_count + 1
time + = int ( row [ " rt-ns " ] )
return time / ( 1000 * 1000 * row_count )
def read_cache_hitrate_from_csv ( fname ) - > float :
hitrate = 0
row_count = 0
with open ( fname , newline = ' ' ) as csvfile :
reader = csv . DictReader ( csvfile , delimiter = ' ; ' )
for row in reader :
row_count = row_count + 1
hitrate + = float ( row [ " cache-hr " ] )
return ( hitrate * 100 ) / row_count
def generate_speedup_table ( ) :
baseline = read_total_time_from_csv ( dram_result )
columns = [ " Configuration " , " Speedup " , " Cache Hitrate " ]
names = [
" DDR-SDRAM (Baseline) " ,
" HBM (Upper Limit) " ,
" Prefetching " ,
" Prefetching, Distributed Columns "
rawtime = [
read_total_time_from_csv ( dram_result ) ,
read_total_time_from_csv ( hbm_result ) ,
read_total_time_from_csv ( prefetch_result ) ,
read_total_time_from_csv ( distprefetch_result ) ,
return data , keys
speedup = [
baseline / rawtime [ 0 ] ,
baseline / rawtime [ 1 ] ,
baseline / rawtime [ 2 ] ,
baseline / rawtime [ 3 ]
def get_data_prefetch_total ( ) - > tuple [ list [ float ] , list [ str ] ] :
return read_timings_from_csv ( prefetch_result )
cachehr = [
0 ,
0 ,
read_cache_hitrate_from_csv ( prefetch_result ) ,
read_cache_hitrate_from_csv ( distprefetch_result )
data = [
[ names [ 0 ] , f " x{speedup[0]:1.2f} " , r " \ textemdash " ] ,
[ names [ 1 ] , f " x{speedup[1]:1.2f} " , r " \ textemdash " ] ,
[ names [ 2 ] , f " x{speedup[2]:1.2f} " , f " {cachehr[2]:2.2f} \ % " ] ,
[ names [ 3 ] , f " x{speedup[3]:1.2f} " , f " {cachehr[3]:2.2f} \ % " ]
return pd . DataFrame ( data , columns = columns )
def tex_table ( df , fname ) :
with open ( os . path . join ( output_path , fname ) , " w " ) as of :
of . write ( df . to_latex ( index = False ) )
def get_data_dram_total ( ) - > tuple [ list [ float ] , list [ str ] ] :
# loops over all possible configuration combinations and calls
# process_file_to_dataset for them in order to build a dataframe
# which is then displayed and saved
def main ( data : tuple [ list [ float ] , list [ str ] ] , fname , unit ) :
def donut_plot ( data : tuple [ list [ float ] , list [ str ] ] , fname ) :
palette_color = sns . color_palette ( ' mako_r ' )
fig , ax = plt . subplots ( figsize = ( 6 , 3 ) , subplot_kw = dict ( aspect = " equal " ) )
@ -64,15 +124,19 @@ def main(data: tuple[list[float], list[str]], fname, unit):
horizontalalignment = { - 1 : " right " , 1 : " left " } [ int ( np . sign ( x ) ) ]
connectionstyle = f " angle,angleA=0,angleB={ang} "
kw [ " arrowprops " ] . update ( { " connectionstyle " : connectionstyle } )
ax . annotate ( f " {data[1][i]} - {data[0][i]:2.2f} {unit} " , xy = ( x , y ) , xytext = ( 1.35 * np . sign ( x ) , 1.4 * y ) , horizontalalignment = horizontalalignment , * * kw )
ax . annotate ( f " {data[1][i]} - {data[0][i]:2.2f} ms " , xy = ( x , y ) , xytext = ( 1.35 * np . sign ( x ) , 1.4 * y ) , horizontalalignment = horizontalalignment , * * kw )
plt . rcParams . update ( { ' font.size ' : 18 } )
fig . savefig ( os . path . join ( output_path , fname ) , bbox_inches = ' tight ' )
def main ( ) :
donut_plot ( read_timings_from_csv ( prefetch_result ) , " plot-timing-prefetch.pdf " )
donut_plot ( read_timings_from_csv ( distprefetch_result ) , " plot-timing-distprefetch.pdf " )
donut_plot ( read_timings_from_csv ( dram_result ) , " plot-timing-dram.pdf " )
donut_plot ( read_timings_from_csv ( hbm_result ) , " plot-timing-hbm.pdf " )
tex_table ( generate_speedup_table ( ) , " table-qdpspeedup.tex " )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( get_data_prefetch_cache_access ( ) , " plot-timing-cacheaccess.pdf " , " % " )
main ( read_timings_from_csv ( prefetch_result ) , " plot-timing-prefetch.pdf " , " ms " )
main ( read_timings_from_csv ( distprefetch_result ) , " plot-timing-distprefetch.pdf " , " ms " )
main ( read_timings_from_csv ( dram_result ) , " plot-timing-dram.pdf " , " ms " )
main ( read_timings_from_csv ( hbm_result ) , " plot-timing-hbm.pdf " , " ms " )
main ( )