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add even more comments and remove an old code line that modified the reference counter of cache data from the outside

Constantin Fürst 12 months ago
  1. 3
  2. 41


@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ namespace dsacache {
// returns the cache data location for this
// instance which is valid as long as the
// instance is alive
// instance is alive - !!! this may also
// yield a nullptr !!!
uint8_t* GetDataLocation() const;


@ -255,23 +255,45 @@ void dsacache::Cache::GetCacheNode(uint8_t* src, const size_t size, int* OUT_DST
inline void dsacache::Cache::Flush(const int node) {
std::cout << "[-] Flushing Cache for " << (node == -1 ? "all nodes" : "node " + std::to_string(node)) << std::endl;
// this lambda is used because below we have two code paths that
// flush nodes, either one single or all successively
const auto FlushNode = [](std::unordered_map<uint8_t*,CacheData>& map) {
// begin at the front of the map
auto it = map.begin();
// loop until we reach the end of the map
while (it != map.end()) {
// if the iterator points to an inactive element
// then we may erase it
if (it->second.Active() == false) {
// erase the iterator from the map
// as the erasure invalidated out iterator
// we must start at the beginning again
it = map.begin();
else {
// if element is active just move over to the next one
// we require exclusive lock as we modify the cache state
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(cache_mutex_);
// node == -1 means that cache on all nodes should be flushed
if (node == -1) {
for (auto& nc : cache_state_) {
@ -290,21 +312,36 @@ std::unique_ptr<dsacache::CacheData> dsacache::Cache::GetFromCache(uint8_t* src,
// from marking the element we may find as unused and
// clearing it
// lock the cache state in shared-mode because we read
std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(cache_mutex_);
// search for the data in our cache state structure at the given node
const auto search = cache_state_[dst_node].find(src);
// if the data is in our structure we continue
if (search != cache_state_[dst_node].end()) {
if (search->second.size_ == size) {
// now check whether the sizes match
// TODO: second.size_ >= size would also work
if (search->second.size_ == size) {
std::cout << "[+] Found Cached version for 0x" << std::hex << (uint64_t)src << std::dec << std::endl;
// return a unique copy of the entry which uses the object
// lifetime and destructor to safely handle deallocation
return std::move(std::make_unique<CacheData>(search->second));
else {
std::cout << "[!] Found Cached version with size missmatch for 0x" << std::hex << (uint64_t)src << std::dec << std::endl;
// if the sizes missmatch then we clear the current entry from cache
// which will cause its deletion only after the last possible outside
// reference is also destroyed
