\caption{Scaling Factor for different amounts of participating \gls{dsa}. Determined by formula \\\(\frac{Throughput}{Basline\ Throughput}*\frac{1}{Utilization\ Factor}\)\\ with the baseline being Throughput for 1 \gls{dsa} and the utilization factor representing the factor of the amount of \gls{dsa}s being used over the baseline.}
\caption{Scaling Factor for different amounts of participating \gls{dsa}. Determined by formula \\\(\frac{Throughput}{Basline\ Throughput}*\frac{1}{Utilization\ Factor}\)\\ with the baseline being Throughput for 1 \gls{dsa} and the utilization factor representing the factor of the amount of \gls{dsa}s being used over the baseline.}