Constantin Fürst
1 year ago
2 changed files with 100 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ |
# This Makefile is part of a skeleton (diploma) thesis. If you have
# useful additions, suggestions or questions, please feel free to issue a
# PR or an issue at
# main document
DOC_TEX = bachelor.tex |
# sub documents (chapters) without preamble
# (because we do not need checkbiw on the preamble).
DOC_TEX_ADD = $(wildcard content/*.tex) |
# All Tex-files sorted alphabetically and concatenated to a single string.
# (make's shell utility converts newlines to spaces)
# This makes the "checkbiw"-script more convenient.
DOC_TEX_ALL_SORTED = $(shell echo $(DOC_TEX) $(DOC_TEX_ADD) | tr ' ' '\n' | sort) |
DOC_PDF = $(DOC_TEX:.tex=.pdf) |
LATEXMK = latexmk |
# Add "-shell-escape" when you use "minted" instead of "listings" for beautiful code listings
LATEXMK_COMMON_FLAGS = -pdf -use-make |
LATEXMK_FLAGS = $(LATEXMK_COMMON_FLAGS) -pdflatex=lualatex -halt-on-error |
LATEXMK_WATCH_FLAGS = $(LATEXMK_COMMON_FLAGS) -pvc -quiet -f -pdflatex="lualatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode" |
DATE := $(shell date +\"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S\") |
BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) |
BACKUP_FILE_NAME := ${DATE}_DRAFT_Bachelorarbeit_${BRANCH}.pdf |
# Path to 'checkbiw'-script.
# Do not forget to execute `git submodule update --init` first.
CHECKBIW = checkbiw/src/checkbiw |
# The @-symbol makes the commands quite, i.e., make does not
# output the commands it executes.
QUIET = @ |
.PHONY: default pdf clean check-french-spacing checkbiw stats watch |
default: pdf |
# Builds the PDF and creates a file with the format: "yyyy-MM-dd DRAFT Diplomarbeit - Branch <current branch>.pdf"
# Is not dependent on anything because latexmk should figure out by itself if everything is fresh.
pdf: |
cp $(DOC_PDF) backups/$(BACKUP_FILE_NAME) |
curl --netrc-file ../../serverkey/curl-cloud-access -T backups/$(BACKUP_FILE_NAME)$(BACKUP_FILE_NAME) |
# Performs a watch task, i.e. automatically re-builds everything quickly on changes.
# If your PDF viewer supports a reload on file changes (such as the default PDF viewer in GNOME)
# you get a cool productive working environment.
# The dependency to "pdf" exists only that in case something doesn't build from the beginning
# the build immediately stops.
# Also see:
watch: pdf |
# Cleans all intermediate files except for the produced pdf files.
clean: |
$(QUIET)# latexmk does not clean up the aux-files produced by the chapters. |
$(QUIET)# They are stand-alone compilation units with a dedicated aux file. |
$(QUIET)# This comes because we include them with "\include" instead of "\input". |
find "./content" -type f -name "*.aux" | xargs -r rm |
$(QUIET)# Cleanup of "minted" package (if you use it - not included by default) |
$(QUIET)# find "./content" -type f -name "_minted*" | xargs -r rm -rf |
$(QUIET)# Produced by the 'make stats' target |
$(QUIET)rm -f bachelor.pdf.txt |
# Points out abbreviations and reminds you of escaping
# the space after the period
check-french-spacing: $(DOC_TEX_ALL_SORTED) |
$(QUIET)export GREP_COLOR='1;32'; \
grep --color=auto "[A-Z]\(2,\)\." $+ || \
grep --color=auto -e 'e\.g\.' -e 'i\.e\.' -e 'd\.h\.' $+ || \
true |
# check for conformance with "bugs in writing", English only
checkbiw: $(DOC_TEX_ALL_SORTED) |
$(QUIET)$(CHECKBIW) -v -c $+ |
CMD_COUNT_PAGES = pdfinfo $(DOC_PDF) | awk '/^Pages:/ {print $$2}' |
CMD_COUNT_WORDS = pdftotext $(DOC_PDF) $(DOC_PDF:.pdf=.pdf.txt) && cat $(DOC_PDF:.pdf=.pdf.txt) | grep -E '^\.+\ *$$' -v | wc -w |
stats: pdf |
$(QUIET)echo "\e[1mThesis Stats:\e[0m" |
$(QUIET)echo " \e[1mdetexed sources and removed empty lines:\e[0m" |
$(QUIET)echo " lines: $(shell detex $(DOC_TEX_ALL_SORTED) | sed '/^$$/d' | wc -l)" |
$(QUIET)echo " words: $(shell detex $(DOC_TEX_ALL_SORTED) | sed '/^$$/d' | wc -w)" |
$(QUIET)echo " characters: $(shell detex $(DOC_TEX_ALL_SORTED) | sed '/^$$/d' | wc --chars)" |
$(QUIET)echo |
$(QUIET)echo " Please note: There are possibly deviations compared to the final PDF as the compiled" |
$(QUIET)echo " version might contain additional words, such as 'in Figure 3.5 on the" |
$(QUIET)echo " next page' or the bibliography." |
$(QUIET)echo |
$(QUIET)echo " \e[1mCompiled PDF:\e[0m" |
$(QUIET)echo " pages: $(shell $(CMD_COUNT_PAGES)) (in total)" |
$(QUIET)echo " words: $(shell $(CMD_COUNT_WORDS)) (roughly)" |
Reference in new issue