# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """
Name: ffmpeg.py Porpose: builds arguments for FFmpeg processing. Compatibility: Python3 Platform: all platforms Author: Gianluca Pernigotto <jeanlucperni@gmail.com> Copyright: (c) 2022/2023 Gianluca Pernigotto <jeanlucperni@gmail.com> license: GPL3 Rev: February 06 2022 Code checker: flake8, pylint ########################################################
This file is part of FFcuesplitter.
FFcuesplitter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
FFcuesplitter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FFcuesplitter. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """
import subprocess import os import sys import platform from tqdm import tqdm from ffcuesplitter.exceptions import FFMpegError from ffcuesplitter.str_utils import msg from ffcuesplitter.utils import Popen
if not platform.system() == 'Windows': import shlex
class FFMpeg: """
FFMpeg is a parent base class interface for FFCueSplitter. It represents FFmpeg command and arguments with their sub-processing. """
DATACODECS = {'wav': 'pcm_s16le -ar 44100', 'flac': 'flac -ar 44100', 'ogg': 'libvorbis -ar 44100', 'mp3': 'libmp3lame -ar 44100', }
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """
Constructor """
self.kwargs = kwargs self.audiotracks = kwargs self.seconds = None self.arguments = None self.osplat = platform.system() self.outsuffix = None # -------------------------------------------------------------#
def codec_setup(self, sourcef): """
Returns codec arg based on given format """
if self.kwargs['format'] == 'copy': self.outsuffix = os.path.splitext(sourcef)[1].replace('.', '') codec = '-c copy'
else: self.outsuffix = self.kwargs['format'] codec = f'-c:a {FFMpeg.DATACODECS[self.kwargs["format"]]}'
return codec, self.outsuffix # -------------------------------------------------------------#
def ffmpeg_arguments(self): """
Builds `FFmpeg` arguments and calculates time seconds for each audio track.
Returns: dict(arguments:[...], seconds:[...]) """
self.arguments = []
for track in self.audiotracks: track_arguments = []
metadata = { 'ARTIST': track.get('PERFORMER', ''), 'ALBUM': track.get('ALBUM', ''), 'TITLE': track.get('TITLE', ''), 'TRACK': (str(track['TRACK_NUM']) + '/' + str(len(self.audiotracks))), 'DISCNUMBER': track.get('DISCNUMBER', ''), 'GENRE': track.get('GENRE', ''), 'DATE': track.get('DATE', ''), 'COMMENT': track.get('COMMENT', ''), 'DISCID': track.get('DISCID', ''), }
fpath = os.path.join(self.kwargs["dirname"], track["FILE"]) track_arguments.append('-i') track_arguments.append(f"\"{fpath}\"")
track_arguments.append("-ss") track_arguments.append(f"{round(track['START'] / 44100, 6)}")
if 'END' in track: track_arguments.append("-to") track_arguments.append(f" {round(track['END'] / 44100, 6)}")
for key, val in metadata.items(): track_arguments.append("-metadata") track_arguments.append(f'{key}="{val}"')
num = str(track['TRACK_NUM']).rjust(2, '0') name = f'{num} - {track["TITLE"]}' track_arguments.append(name)
return self.arguments
# --------------------------------------------------------------#
def processing(self, arg, secs): """
Redirect to required processing """
if self.kwargs['progress_meter'] == 'tqdm': cmd = arg if self.osplat == 'Windows' else shlex.split(arg) if self.kwargs['dry'] is True: msg(cmd) # stdout cmd in dry mode return self.processing_with_tqdm_progress(cmd, secs)
elif self.kwargs['progress_meter'] == 'standard': cmd = arg if self.osplat == 'Windows' else shlex.split(arg) if self.kwargs['dry'] is True: msg(cmd) # stdout cmd in dry mode return self.processing_with_standard_progress(cmd) # --------------------------------------------------------------#
def processing_with_tqdm_progress(self, cmd, seconds): """
FFmpeg sub-processing showing a tqdm progress meter for each loop. Also writes a log file to the same destination folder as the .cue file .
Usage for get seconds elapsed: progbar = tqdm(total=round(seconds), unit="s", dynamic_ncols=True) progbar.clear() previous_s = 0
s_processed = round(int(output.split('=')[1]) / 1_000_000) s_increase = s_processed - previous_s progbar.update(s_increase) previous_s = s_processed
Raises: FFMpegError Returns: None """
progbar = tqdm(total=100, unit="s", dynamic_ncols=True ) progbar.clear()
try: with open(self.kwargs['logtofile'], "w", encoding='utf-8') as log: log.write(f'\nCOMMAND: {cmd}') with Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=log, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as proc:
for output in proc.stdout: if "out_time_ms" in output.strip(): s_processed = int(output.split('=')[1]) / 1_000_000 percent = s_processed / seconds * 100 progbar.update(round(percent) - progbar.n)
if proc.wait(): # error progbar.close() raise FFMpegError(f"ffmpeg FAILED: See log details: " f"'{self.kwargs['logtofile']}'" f"\nExit status: {proc.wait()}")
except (OSError, FileNotFoundError) as excepterr: progbar.close() raise FFMpegError(excepterr) from excepterr
except KeyboardInterrupt: # proc.kill() progbar.close() proc.terminate() sys.exit("\n[KeyboardInterrupt] FFmpeg process terminated.")
progbar.close() # --------------------------------------------------------------#
def processing_with_standard_progress(self, cmd): """
FFmpeg sub-processing with stderr output to console. The output depending on the ffmpeg loglevel option. Raises: FFMpegError Returns: None """
with open(self.kwargs['logtofile'], "w", encoding='utf-8') as log: log.write(f'COMMAND: {cmd}') try: subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, shell=False)
except FileNotFoundError as err: raise FFMpegError(f"{err}") from err
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: raise FFMpegError(f"ffmpeg FAILED: {err}") from err
except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit("\n[KeyboardInterrupt]")