@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ A simple snake game, with terminal GUI implemented using ncurses library.
- [x] Add a scoreboard.
- [x] Add a scoreboard.
- [ ] Fix the window-resize factor, since it gets all messy when you minimize/maximize the terminal window.
- [ ] Fix the window-resize factor, since it gets all messy when you minimize/maximize the terminal window.
- [x] Create a 'Game' class and provide interface through that function so that the user don't have to mess with the graphics snake and controller classes.
- [x] Create a 'Game' class and provide interface through that function so that the user don't have to mess with the graphics snake and controller classes.
- [] Implement the Game::printGameStatistics function to print the score and games played of each player.
- [x] Implement the Game::printGameStatistics function to print the score and games played of each player.