# Snake Game for learning C++ ## Abstract A simple snake game, with terminal GUI implemented using ncurses library. Taken from Vissa Moutafis [LINK](https://github.com/VissaMoutafis/Snake-Game-in-Cpp) and heavily modified. #### Required Knowledge: This project is meant for those with a little programming experience in any other language or a general overview of programming concepts. If you can tell the terms "Object" and "Class" apart, know what a function is, know basic git and have used a command line before, then this project will teach you through exploring and solving challenges by yourself how to program C++. If you don't know these terms but can take a big challenge, then this is still a good starting point. Just try to figure out what is going on and you will learn a lot. #### Resources: - __[cppreference](https://en.cppreference.com/w/)__ for information on all elements of the language, quite detailed and might be overwhelming for beginners - __[Cherno C++ Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18c3MTX0PK0&list=PLlrATfBNZ98dudnM48yfGUldqGD0S4FFb)__ for an overview of all components of the language in a very beginner-friendly format - __stackoverflow__ when you have a problem, most of the time, someone else has encountered it too, and you will find help and examples when web-searching and clicking on links to this site - __[Tetris for Windows](https://youtu.be/8OK8_tHeCIA)__ code-along tetris video for the windows command line with good and beginner-friendly explanations #### Controls: - __Up-Arrow__ to go up. - __Down-Arrow__ to go down. - __Left-Arrow__ to go left. - __Right-Arrow__ to go right. - __q__ to exit game. --- ## Prerequisities You need to install the following packages: - __ncurses__ : Terminal User Interface Library "ncurses" - __cmake__ and __make__ : Build Tools - __gcc__ or __clang__ : C/C++ Compiler If you use MacOS then you must install homebrew for access to the packages. On Windows you must install and set up WSL to get a Linux command line. Open up a terminal and type the folllowing commands: ```shell # Most Linux distributions and WSL under Windows ~$ sudo apt-get install gcc make cmake libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev # On MacOS ~$ brew install clang make cmake ncurses # Or for FreeBSD ~$ sudo apt-get install clang make cmake ncurses ``` Now you are ready to use the repo. --- ## Downloading, Instalation and Running the Program Now we will install and run the program, but first let's download the repo: ```shell ~$ git clone https://git.constantin-fuerst.com/constantin/snake # cd in the directory ~$ cd snake # select the correct branch for learning ~$ git checkout lessons # or cheat and look at the solution / see what you will achieve with ~$ git checkout master # run the helper script to build and execute ~$ bash build-and-run.sh ``` and begin your journey through C++! --- ## How to learn - [ ] Perform Setup like above - [ ] Run the game on __master__ branch - [ ] Explore the code - [ ] set up a development environment for c++ on your computer - see the __Cherno Playlist__ first few videos for help - [ ] try to figure out what's going on in the _components_ and _game_ subfolders - [ ] find out what a preprocessor, compiler and linker do - see the __Cherno Playlist__ first few videos for help - [ ] check out the _CMakeLists.txt_ and _build-and-run.sh_ files and the created _build_ folder and try to understand how they lead to the application going from code to executable - [ ] Change to branch __lessons__ - [ ] Move to LESSONS.md for further tasks