# Snake Game in C++ ## Abstract A simple snake game, with terminal GUI implemented using ncurses library. #### Controls: - __Up-Arrow__ to go up. - __Down-Arrow__ to go down. - __Left-Arrow__ to go left. - __Right-Arrow__ to go right. - __q__ to exit game. ### TODO: - [x] Increase speed of the snake when it devours a snack. - [ ] Add a scoreboard. - [ ] Fix the window-resize factor, since it gets all messy when you minimize/maximize the terminal window. - [ ] Create a 'Game' class and provide interface through that function so that the user don't have to mess with the graphics snake and controller classes. --- ## Prerequisities You need to install the following two packages: - __libncurses5-dev__ : Developer’s libraries for ncurses, - __libncursesw5-dev__ : Developer’s libraries for ncursesw, - __gcc__ : C\C++ compiler, - __make__ : instalation tool. Open up a terminal and type the folllowing commands ```shell ~$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade #Now to install compiler and instalation tool ~$ sudo apt-get install gcc make #And the actuall library ~$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev ``` Now you are ready to use the repo. --- ## Downloading, Instalation and Running the Program Now we will install and run the program, but first let's download the repo: ```shell ~$ git clone https://github.com/VissaMoutafis/Snake_Game_in_Cpp # cd in the directory ~$ cd Snake_Game_in_Cpp #run the 'make run' to install and play ~$ make run ``` and enjoy playing! __Note__: You might want to delete the objective files and keep only the src part. In that case: ```shell ~$ make clean ``` and you are set. --- ## Contributors [VissaM](https://github.com/VissaMoutafis) --- ## Licence: MIT Check the file LICENCE. ### Enjoy!