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#include "Ware.h"
Ware::Ware(){ ++count; }
Ware::~Ware() { --count; }
Ware::Ware(std::string name, bool hasCooling, double width, double height) {
this->name = name;
this->hasCooling = hasCooling;
this->size = { width, height };
if(hasCooling) {
this->type = CoolingWare;
} else if(isLargeWare(this->size)) {
this->type = LargeWare;
} else {
this->type = DefaultWare;
this->id = this->generateId();
Id Ware::getId() const {
return id;
void Ware::setId(const Id id) {
this->id = id;
Ware::WareType Ware::getType() const {
return type;
void Ware::setType(const WareType type) {
this->type = type;
bool Ware::getHasCooling() const {
return hasCooling;
void Ware::setHasCooling(const bool hasCooling) {
this->hasCooling = hasCooling;
std::string Ware::getName() const {
return name;
void Ware::setName(const std::string name) {
this->name = name;
Ware::Size Ware::getSize() const {
return size;
void Ware::setSize(const double width, const double height) {
this->size = Size{ width, height };
bool Ware::isLargeWare(Size s) {
return (s.width > 20.0 || s.height > 20.0);
Id Ware::generateId() {
//billige id generation da keine reference benutzt
return (uint64_t) &this->name;