This contains my bachelors thesis and associated tex files, code snippets and maybe more. Topic: Data Movement in Heterogeneous Memories with Intel Data Streaming Accelerator
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  1. import os
  2. import pandas as pd
  3. import seaborn as sns
  4. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  5. from common import calc_throughput, load_time_mesurements, get_task_count
  6. result_path = "benchmark-results/"
  7. output_path = "benchmark-plots/"
  8. runid = "Run ID"
  9. x_label = "Destination Node"
  10. y_label = "Throughput in GiB/s"
  11. title_allnodes = \
  12. """Copy Throughput in GiB/s tested for 1GiB Elements\n
  13. Using all 8 DSA Chiplets available on the System"""
  14. title_smartnodes = \
  15. """Copy Throughput in GiB/s tested for 1GiB Elements\n
  16. Using Cross-Copy for Intersocket and all 4 Chiplets of Socket for Intrasocket"""
  17. title_difference = \
  18. """Gain in Copy Throughput in GiB/s of All-DSA vs. Smart Assignment"""
  19. description_smartnodes = \
  20. """Copy Throughput in GiB/s tested for 1GiB Elements\n
  21. Nodes of {8...15} are HBM accessors for their counterparts (minus 8)\n
  22. Using all 4 DSA Chiplets of a Socket for Intra-Socket Operation\n
  23. And using only the Source and Destination Nodes DSA for Inter-Socket"""
  24. description_allnodes = \
  25. """Copy Throughput in GiB/s tested for 1GiB Elements\n
  26. Nodes of {8...15} are HBM accessors for their counterparts (minus 8)\n
  27. Using all 8 DSA Chiplets available on the System"""
  28. index = [ runid, x_label, y_label]
  29. data = []
  30. data_avg = {}
  31. # loads the measurements from a given file and processes them
  32. # so that they are normalized, meaning that the timings returned
  33. # are nanoseconds per element transfered
  34. def get_timing(file_path):
  35. divisor = get_task_count(file_path)
  36. return [ x / divisor for x in load_time_mesurements(file_path)]
  37. # procceses a single file and appends the desired timings
  38. # to the global data-array, handles multiple runs with a runid
  39. # and ignores if the given file is not found as some
  40. # configurations may not be benchmarked
  41. def process_file_to_dataset(file_path, config, dst_node):
  42. size = 1024*1024*1024
  43. if config not in data_avg:
  44. data_avg[config] = 0
  45. timing = get_timing(file_path)
  46. run_idx = 0
  47. for t in timing:
  48. tp = calc_throughput(size, t)
  49. data_avg[config] += tp / len(timing)
  50. data.append({ runid : run_idx, x_label : dst_node, y_label : tp})
  51. run_idx = run_idx + 1
  52. def plot_bar(table,node_config,display_x,display_y):
  53. plt.figure(figsize=(2, 3))
  54. sns.barplot(x=x_label, y=y_label, data=table, palette="mako", errorbar="sd")
  55. plt.ylim(0, 70)
  56. plt.yticks([15,30,45,60,65])
  57. plt.xlabel(display_x)
  58. plt.ylabel(display_y)
  59. plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_path, f"plot-{node_config}-throughput.pdf"), bbox_inches='tight')
  60. def PlotAndrePeakResults():
  61. data_peakbench_andre = [
  62. { runid : 0, x_label : 8, y_label : 64 },
  63. { runid : 0, x_label : 11, y_label : 63 },
  64. { runid : 0, x_label : 12, y_label : 40 },
  65. { runid : 0, x_label : 15, y_label : 54 }
  66. ]
  67. df = pd.DataFrame(data_peakbench_andre)
  68. df.set_index(index, inplace=True)
  69. plot_bar(df, "andrepeak", x_label, y_label)
  70. return df
  71. # loops over all possible configuration combinations and calls
  72. # process_file_to_dataset for them in order to build a dataframe
  73. # which is then displayed and saved
  74. def main(node_config):
  75. dst_nodes = {8,11,12,15}
  76. for dst_node in dst_nodes:
  77. file = os.path.join(result_path, f"copy-n0ton{dst_node}-1gib-{node_config}.json")
  78. process_file_to_dataset(file, node_config, dst_node)
  79. data_avg[node_config] = data_avg[node_config] / len(dst_nodes)
  80. df = pd.DataFrame(data)
  81. data.clear()
  82. df.set_index(index, inplace=True)
  83. plot_bar(df, node_config, x_label, y_label)
  84. return df
  85. def get_scaling_factor(baseline,topline,utilfactor):
  86. return (topline / baseline)
  87. if __name__ == "__main__":
  88. dsa_df1 = main("1dsa")
  89. dsa_df2 = main("2dsa")
  90. dsa_df4 = main("4dsa")
  91. dsa_df8 = main("8dsa")
  92. cpu_df8 = main("8cpu")
  93. cpu_dfandre = PlotAndrePeakResults()
  94. x_dsacount = "Count of DSAs"
  95. y_avgtp = "Average Throughput in GiB/s"
  96. y_scaling = "Scaling Factor"
  97. data_average = [
  98. { runid : 0, x_label : 1, y_label : data_avg["1dsa"] },
  99. { runid : 0, x_label : 2, y_label : data_avg["2dsa"] },
  100. { runid : 0, x_label : 4, y_label : data_avg["4dsa"] },
  101. { runid : 0, x_label : 8, y_label : data_avg["8dsa"] }
  102. ]
  103. average_df = pd.DataFrame(data_average)
  104. average_df.set_index(index, inplace=True)
  105. plot_bar(average_df, "average", x_dsacount, y_avgtp)
  106. data_scaling = [
  107. { x_dsacount : 1, y_scaling : get_scaling_factor(data_avg["1dsa"], data_avg["1dsa"], 1) },
  108. { x_dsacount : 2, y_scaling : get_scaling_factor(data_avg["1dsa"], data_avg["2dsa"], 2) },
  109. { x_dsacount : 4, y_scaling : get_scaling_factor(data_avg["1dsa"], data_avg["4dsa"], 4) },
  110. { x_dsacount : 8, y_scaling : get_scaling_factor(data_avg["1dsa"], data_avg["8dsa"], 8) }
  111. ]
  112. scaling_df = pd.DataFrame(data_scaling)
  113. plt.figure(figsize=(2, 3))
  114. fig = sns.lineplot(x=x_dsacount, y=y_scaling, data=scaling_df, marker='o', linestyle='-', color='b', markersize=8)
  115. plt.xticks([1,2,4,8])
  116. plt.xlim(0,9)
  117. plt.ylim(0.9,2.1)
  118. plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_path, f"plot-dsa-throughput-scaling.pdf"), bbox_inches='tight')