This contains my bachelors thesis and associated tex files, code snippets and maybe more.
Topic: Data Movement in Heterogeneous Memories with Intel Data Streaming Accelerator
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\usepackage{xparse} \DeclareDocumentCommand{\newdualentry}{ O{} O{} m m m m } { \newglossaryentry{gls-#3}{name={#5},text={#5\glsadd{#3}}, description={#6},#1 } \makeglossaries \newacronym{#3}{#4}{see Glossary on: \gls{gls-#3}} }
\newdualentry{iommu}{IOMMU}{Input/Output Memory Management Unit}{... desc ...} \newdualentry{bar}{BAR}{Base Address Register}{... desc ...}
\newacronym{dsa}{DSA}{Intel Data Streaming Accelerator}