@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ Regarding the benchmark depicted in Figure \ref{fig:timing-results:prefetch}, wh
In Section \ref{sec:eval:expectations}, we anticipated that the simple query would pose a challenging case for prefetching. This expectation proved to be accurate, highlighting that improper data distribution can lead to adverse effects on performance when utilizing the \texttt{Cache}. Thus, we consider the chosen scenario to be well-suited, as it showcases both performance gains and losses, underscoring the importance of optimizing parameters and scenarios to achieve positive outcomes.
In Section \ref{sec:eval:expectations}, we anticipated that the simple query would pose a challenging case for prefetching. This expectation proved to be accurate, highlighting that improper data distribution can lead to adverse effects on performance when utilizing the \texttt{Cache}. Thus, we consider the chosen scenario to be well-suited, as it showcases both performance gains and losses, underscoring the importance of optimizing parameters and scenarios to achieve positive outcomes.\par
The necessity to distribute data across \gls{numa:node}s is seen as practical, given that developers commonly apply this optimization to leverage the available memory bandwidth of \glsentrylong{numa}s. Consequently, the \texttt{Cache} has demonstrated its effectiveness by achieving a respectable speed-up positioned directly between the baseline and the theoretical upper limit (refer to Table \ref{table:qdp-speedup}).
The necessity to distribute data across \gls{numa:node}s is seen as practical, given that developers commonly apply this optimization to leverage the available memory bandwidth of \glsentrylong{numa}s. Consequently, the \texttt{Cache} has demonstrated its effectiveness by achieving a respectable speed-up positioned directly between the baseline and the theoretical upper limit (refer to Table \ref{table:qdp-speedup}).\par
As stated in Section \ref{sec:design:cache}, the decision to design and implement a cache instead of focusing solely on prefetching was made to enhance the usefulness of this work's contribution. While our tests were conducted on a system with \gls{hbm}, other advancements in main memory technologies, such as Non-Volatile or Remote Memory, were not considered, as mentioned in Chapter \ref{chap:intro}. Despite the public functions of the \texttt{Cache} being named with cache usage in mind, its utility extends beyond this scope, providing flexibility through the policy functions, described in Section \ref{sec:design:accel-usage}. Potential applications include background copying of data from remote locations into faster local memory for computation or replication to non-volatile memory for data loss prevention. Therefore, we consider the increase in design complexity to be a worthwhile trade-off, providing a significant contribution to the field of heterogeneous memory systems. \par