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section naming changes and slight extension of intro-paragraphs to them for chapter 5

Constantin Fürst 11 months ago
  1. 16


@ -22,11 +22,13 @@
In this chapter, we concentrate on specific implementation details, offering an in-depth view of how the design promises outlined in Chapter \ref{chap:design} are realized. Firstly, we delve into the usage of locking and atomics to achieve thread safety. Finally, we apply the cache to \glsentrylong{qdp}, detailing the policies mentioned in Section \ref{sec:design:accel-usage} and presenting solutions for the challenges encountered. \par In this chapter, we concentrate on specific implementation details, offering an in-depth view of how the design promises outlined in Chapter \ref{chap:design} are realized. Firstly, we delve into the usage of locking and atomics to achieve thread safety. Finally, we apply the cache to \glsentrylong{qdp}, detailing the policies mentioned in Section \ref{sec:design:accel-usage} and presenting solutions for the challenges encountered. \par
\section{Locking and Usage of Atomics}
\section{Synchronization for Cache and CacheData}
The usage of locking and atomics has proven to be challenging. Their use is performance-critical, and mistakes may lead to deadlock. Consequently, these aspects constitute the most interesting part of the implementation, which is why this chapter will extensively focus on the details of their implementation. \par
The usage of locking and atomics to achieve safe concurrent access has proven to be challenging. Their use is performance-critical, and mistakes may lead to deadlock. Consequently, these aspects constitute the most interesting part of the implementation, which is why this chapter will extensively focus on the details of their implementation. \par
\subsection{Cache State Lock} \label{subsec:implementation:cache-state-lock}
Throughout the following sections we will use the term \enquote{handler}, which was coined by \gls{intel:dml}, referring to an object associated with an operation on the accelerator. Through it, the state of a task may be queried, making the handler our connection to the asynchronously executed task. As we may split up one single copy into multiple distinct tasks for submission to multiple \gls{dsa}s, \texttt{CacheData} internally contains a vector of multiple of these handlers. \par
\subsection{Cache: Locking for Access to State} \label{subsec:implementation:cache-state-lock}
To keep track of the current cache state the \texttt{Cache} will hold a reference to each currently existing \texttt{CacheData} instance. The reason for this is twofold: In Section \ref{sec:design:cache} we decided to keep elements in the cache until forced by \gls{mempress} to remove them. Secondly in Section \ref{subsec:design:cache-entry-reuse} we decided to reuse one cache entry for multiple consumers. The second part requires access to the structure holding this reference to be thread safe when accessing and modifying the cache state in \texttt{Cache::Access}, \texttt{Cache::Flush} and \texttt{Cache::Clear}. The latter two both require unique locking, preventing other calls to \texttt{Cache} from making progress while the operation is being processed. For \texttt{Cache::Access} the use of locking depends upon the caches state. At first, only a shared lock is acquired for checking whether the given address already resides in cache, allowing other \texttt{Cache::Access}-operations to also perform this check. If no entry for the region is present, a unique lock is required as well when adding the newly created entry to cache. \par To keep track of the current cache state the \texttt{Cache} will hold a reference to each currently existing \texttt{CacheData} instance. The reason for this is twofold: In Section \ref{sec:design:cache} we decided to keep elements in the cache until forced by \gls{mempress} to remove them. Secondly in Section \ref{subsec:design:cache-entry-reuse} we decided to reuse one cache entry for multiple consumers. The second part requires access to the structure holding this reference to be thread safe when accessing and modifying the cache state in \texttt{Cache::Access}, \texttt{Cache::Flush} and \texttt{Cache::Clear}. The latter two both require unique locking, preventing other calls to \texttt{Cache} from making progress while the operation is being processed. For \texttt{Cache::Access} the use of locking depends upon the caches state. At first, only a shared lock is acquired for checking whether the given address already resides in cache, allowing other \texttt{Cache::Access}-operations to also perform this check. If no entry for the region is present, a unique lock is required as well when adding the newly created entry to cache. \par
@ -34,9 +36,7 @@ A map-datastructure was chosen to represent the current cache state with the key
Even with this optimization, in scenarios where the \texttt{Cache} is frequently tasked with flushing and re-caching by multiple threads from the same node, lock contention will negatively impact performance by delaying cache access. Due to passive waiting, this impact might be less noticeable when other threads on the system are able to make progress during the wait. \par Even with this optimization, in scenarios where the \texttt{Cache} is frequently tasked with flushing and re-caching by multiple threads from the same node, lock contention will negatively impact performance by delaying cache access. Due to passive waiting, this impact might be less noticeable when other threads on the system are able to make progress during the wait. \par
\subsection{CacheData Atomicity}
Throughout this section we will use the term \enquote{handler}, which was coined by \gls{intel:dml}, referring to an object associated with an operation on the accelerator. Through it, the state of a task may be queried, making the handler our connection to the asynchronously executed task. As we may split up one single copy into multiple distinct tasks for submission to multiple \gls{dsa}s, \texttt{CacheData} internally contains a vector of multiple of these handlers.
\subsection{CacheData: Safe Implementation for WaitOnCompletion}
The choice made in \ref{subsec:design:cache-entry-reuse} necessitates thread-safe shared access to the same resource. The C++ standard library provides \texttt{std::shared\_ptr<T>}, a reference-counted pointer that is thread-safe for the required operations \cite{cppreference:shared-ptr}, making it a suitable candidate for this task. Although an implementation using it was explored, it presented its own set of challenges. \par The choice made in \ref{subsec:design:cache-entry-reuse} necessitates thread-safe shared access to the same resource. The C++ standard library provides \texttt{std::shared\_ptr<T>}, a reference-counted pointer that is thread-safe for the required operations \cite{cppreference:shared-ptr}, making it a suitable candidate for this task. Although an implementation using it was explored, it presented its own set of challenges. \par
@ -66,7 +66,9 @@ To illustrate this, an exemplary scenario is used, as seen in the sequence diagr
As a solution for this, a more intricate implementation is required. When waiting, the threads now immediately check whether the cache pointer contains a valid value and return if it does, as nothing has to be waited for in this case. We will use the same example as before to illustrate the second part of the waiting procedure. Both \(T_2\) and \(T_3\) arrive in this latter section as the cache was invalid at the point in time when waiting was called for. They now atomically wait on the handlers-pointer to change, instead of doing it the other way around as before. Now when \(T_1\) supplies the handlers, it also uses \texttt{std::atomic<T>::notify\_one} \cite{cppreference:atomic-notify-one} to wake at least one thread waiting on value change of the handlers-pointer, if there are any. Through this the exclusion that was observable in the first implementation is already avoided. If nobody is waiting, then the handlers will be set to a valid pointer and a thread may pass the atomic wait instruction later on. Following this wait, the handlers-pointer is atomically exchanged \cite{cppreference:atomic-exchange} with \texttt{nullptr}, invalidating it. Each thread again checks whether it has received a valid local pointer to the handlers from the exchange. If it has then the atomic operation guarantees that is now in sole possession of the pointer. The owning thread is tasked with actually waiting. All other threads will now regress and call \texttt{CacheData::WaitOnCompletion} again. The solo thread may proceed to wait on the handlers and should update the cache pointer. \par As a solution for this, a more intricate implementation is required. When waiting, the threads now immediately check whether the cache pointer contains a valid value and return if it does, as nothing has to be waited for in this case. We will use the same example as before to illustrate the second part of the waiting procedure. Both \(T_2\) and \(T_3\) arrive in this latter section as the cache was invalid at the point in time when waiting was called for. They now atomically wait on the handlers-pointer to change, instead of doing it the other way around as before. Now when \(T_1\) supplies the handlers, it also uses \texttt{std::atomic<T>::notify\_one} \cite{cppreference:atomic-notify-one} to wake at least one thread waiting on value change of the handlers-pointer, if there are any. Through this the exclusion that was observable in the first implementation is already avoided. If nobody is waiting, then the handlers will be set to a valid pointer and a thread may pass the atomic wait instruction later on. Following this wait, the handlers-pointer is atomically exchanged \cite{cppreference:atomic-exchange} with \texttt{nullptr}, invalidating it. Each thread again checks whether it has received a valid local pointer to the handlers from the exchange. If it has then the atomic operation guarantees that is now in sole possession of the pointer. The owning thread is tasked with actually waiting. All other threads will now regress and call \texttt{CacheData::WaitOnCompletion} again. The solo thread may proceed to wait on the handlers and should update the cache pointer. \par
Additional cases must be considered for the latter implementation to be safe and free of deadlocks. We will now discuss these edge cases and their resolution. \par
\subsection{CacheData: Edge Cases and Deadlocks}
With the outlines of a fair implementation of \texttt{CacheData::WaitOnCompletion} drawn, we will now move our focus to the safety of \texttt{CacheData}. Specifically the following Sections will discuss possible deadlocks and their resolution. \par
\subsubsection{Initial Invalid State} \subsubsection{Initial Invalid State}
\label{subsubsec:impl:cdatomicity:initial-invalid-state} \label{subsubsec:impl:cdatomicity:initial-invalid-state}
