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Controller ready, Input methods ready, Board Ready, Snake collision events to be made and Snack class to be implemented
Controller ready, Input methods ready, Board Ready, Snake collision events to be made and Snack class to be implemented
5 years ago
18 changed files with 531 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
This file is created by Easy C++ Projects, please ignore and do not delete it |
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{ |
"version": "0.2.0", |
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"name": "C++ Debug (gdb)", |
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"preLaunchTask": "Build C++ project", |
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"text": "-enable-pretty-printing", |
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run: clean all |
clear |
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$(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) -I$(INCLUDE) -L$(LIB) $^ -o $@ $(LIBRARIES) |
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include "Graphics.h" |
#include "Snake.h" |
class Controller{ |
private: |
Snake *snake; //the figure the controler controls |
graphics_input inpt; |
public: |
Controller(Snake* _snake); |
Controller(); |
~Controller(); //default destructor |
graphics_input readInput(void); //basic input methods: sets inpt to what it read if i tread something |
void act(void); //basic act method: acts like a joystick |
bool wantsToQuit(void); //returns true of the user wants to quit |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include <curses.h> //include library for terminal graphics |
#define UP KEY_UP |
#define DOWN KEY_DOWN |
#define LEFT KEY_LEFT |
#define EXIT_GAME 'q' |
typedef int graphics_input; //the type of the graphics input |
void initializeGraphics(void); |
void endGraphics(void); |
void refreshScreen(void); |
void printChar(int y, int x, graphics_input img); |
void printMsg(int y, int x, char *str); |
char readChar(int y, int x); |
int readInpt(); |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include "Graphics.h" |
class Point{ |
private: |
int x; |
int y; |
graphics_input img; |
public: |
Point(); |
Point(int y = 10, int x = 10, graphics_input img = '*'); |
~Point(); |
void setPoint(int y, int x); |
int getX(); |
int getY(); |
void moveUp(); |
void moveDown(); |
void moveLeft(); |
void moveRight(); |
graphics_input getImg(); |
void setImg(graphics_input image); |
void printImg(); |
void erase(); |
void randomize(); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include <list> |
#include "Point.h" //the library we need to implement the snake |
#define SNACK '*' |
#define BODY 'o' |
class Snake{ |
private: |
std::list<Point> snake; //the snake will be implemented as a list of points where the first element is the head |
graphics_input direction; |
void updateHead(void); |
void printSnake(void); |
public: |
Snake(int headY = LINES/2, int headX = COLS/2); //default constructor |
~Snake(); //destructor |
//basic move functions |
void moveUp(void); |
void moveDown(void); |
void moveLeft(void); |
void moveRight(void); |
bool isBitten(void); //function to check if the snake bit its self |
bool hasBitSnack(int snackY, int snackX);//checks if the snake has bitten a snack |
int getSize(void); //get the current length |
void incSize(void); //function to increase the length |
void move(void); //function to refresh the image of the snake |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
#include "Controller.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; |
Controller::Controller() |
:inpt{0} |
{ |
snake = new Snake(); |
} |
Controller::Controller(Snake *_snake) |
: snake{_snake}, inpt{0} { |
assert(this->snake != NULL); |
} |
Controller::~Controller(){} |
void Controller::act(void){ |
switch (this->inpt) |
{ |
case UP: |
snake->moveUp(); |
break; |
case DOWN: |
snake->moveDown(); |
break; |
case LEFT: |
snake->moveLeft(); |
break; |
case RIGHT: |
snake->moveRight(); |
break; |
default: |
snake->move(); |
break; |
} |
refreshScreen(); |
} |
graphics_input Controller::readInput(void){ |
this->inpt = readInpt(); |
refreshScreen(); |
return inpt; |
} |
bool Controller::wantsToQuit(void){ |
return this->inpt == EXIT_GAME; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
#include "Graphics.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
///Utillities for the graphics
unsigned int sleepTime = 50000000; |
static WINDOW *_box = NULL; |
static void createBox(void){ |
_box = newwin(LINES-2, COLS, 2, 0); |
box(_box, 0, 0); |
wrefresh(_box); |
} |
static void destroyBox(void){ |
wborder(_box, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '); |
wrefresh(_box); |
delwin(_box); |
} |
//Initialization function
void initializeGraphics(void){ |
initscr(); //initialize curses
cbreak(); //set line buffering to false
noecho(); //set input echo to false
keypad(stdscr, TRUE); //this step enables the use of arrow keys and other function keys
nodelay(stdscr, true); |
//We must clear the screen from unecessary garbage
clear(); |
//Print the title
mvprintw(0, (COLS/2) - 12, "~Snake Game by VissaM~"); |
refresh(); |
//create the game box
createBox(); |
} |
//Exit function
void endGraphics(void){ |
destroyBox(); |
endwin(); |
} |
//Typical refresh function (ease the eye with a custom function instead of the actual one)
void refreshScreen(void){ |
using namespace std::this_thread; // sleep_for, sleep_until
using namespace std::chrono; // nanoseconds, system_clock, seconds
sleep_for(nanoseconds(sleepTime)); |
refresh(); // just use the curses version ;p
wrefresh(_box); |
} |
void printChar(int y, int x, graphics_input img){ |
mvwaddch(_box, y, x, img); |
refresh(); |
wrefresh(_box); |
} |
void printMsg(int y, int x, char* str){ |
mvwaddstr(_box, y, x, str); |
refresh(); |
wrefresh(_box); |
} |
char readChar(int y, int x){ |
mvwgetch(_box, y, x); |
refresh(); |
wrefresh(_box); |
} |
int readInpt(){ |
return getch(); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Point.h"
/*snake will be an array of points*/ |
using namespace std; |
Point::Point(int y, int x, graphics_input img) |
: x {x}, y{y}, img{img} |
{} |
//delegating the previous constructor
Point::Point() |
:Point(10, 10, '*') |
{ |
} |
Point::~Point(){ |
/*No need to do something */ |
} |
void Point::setPoint(int y, int x){ |
this->x = x; |
this->y = y; |
} |
int Point::getX(void){ |
return this->x; |
} |
int Point::getY(void){ |
return this->y; |
} |
void Point::moveUp(void){ |
y--; |
} |
void Point::moveDown(void){ |
y++; |
} |
void Point::moveLeft(void){ |
x--; |
} |
void Point::moveRight(void){ |
x++; |
} |
graphics_input Point::getImg(){ |
return this->img; |
} |
void Point::setImg(graphics_input image){ |
this->img = image; |
} |
void Point::printImg(){ |
printChar(this->y, this->x, this->img); |
} |
void Point::erase(void){ |
this->img = ' '; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ |
#include "Snake.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; |
Snake::Snake(int headY, int headX) |
:direction{LEFT} |
{ |
snake.push_back(Point{headY, headX, '>'}); //add the head of the snake
for(int i=1; i<=3; i++) |
snake.push_back(Point{headY, headX+i, BODY}); |
this->printSnake(); |
} |
Snake::~Snake(){} |
bool Snake::isBitten(void){ |
Point head = *snake.begin(); |
list<Point>::iterator body_part = snake.begin(); |
body_part++; |
while(body_part != snake.end()){ |
if(body_part->getX() == head.getX() && body_part->getY() == head.getY()) |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
bool Snake::hasBitSnack(int snackY, int snackX){ |
return readChar(snackY, snackX) == SNACK; |
} |
int Snake::getSize(void){ |
return snake.size(); |
} |
void Snake::incSize(void){ |
auto tail = snake.end(); |
//since list::end() returns one element past the actual last one we will decrease by one the tail iterator
tail--; //now we actually pointing to the tail
int tailX = tail->getX(); |
int tailY = tail->getY(); |
//now we must determine the direction which is easy by just fiding the coordinates of the previous to tail element
auto prev = --tail; |
int prevX = prev->getX(); |
int prevY = prev->getY(); |
if(prevY == tailY){ |
//if the 2 part are on the same 'height'
if (prevX < tailX) //if the tail continues to the left:
snake.push_back(Point{tailY, tailX + 1, BODY}); // add one part to the right of the tail
else if(prevX > tailX) //if the tail continues to the right:
snake.push_back(Point{tailY, tailX - 1, BODY}); // add one part to the left of the tail
}else{ |
if (prevY < tailY) //if the tail continues to the upper side:
snake.push_back(Point{tailY + 1, tailX, BODY}); // add one part facing down
else if (prevY > tailY) //if the tail continues to the lower side:
snake.push_back(Point{tailY - 1, tailX, BODY}); // add one part facing up
} |
} |
void Snake::updateHead(void){ |
auto head = snake.begin(); |
switch (this->direction) |
{ |
case UP: |
head->moveUp(); |
break; |
case DOWN: |
head->moveDown(); |
break; |
case LEFT: |
head->moveLeft(); |
break; |
case RIGHT: |
head->moveRight(); |
break; |
} |
} |
void Snake::printSnake(void){ |
//We print each element of the snake-list
for(auto bodyPart : snake){ |
bodyPart.printImg(); |
} |
refreshScreen(); //finally call the previously implemented function at Graphics.cpp
//to update the screen so the changes become noticed
} |
void Snake::move(void){ |
//now delete the tail print since teh snake moves forward
auto tail = snake.end(); |
tail--; |
printChar(tail->getY(), tail->getX(), ' '); |
//and now we have to update all the other nodes of the body
auto bodyP1 = tail; |
auto bodyP2 = --tail; |
while(bodyP2 != snake.begin()){ |
*bodyP1 = *bodyP2; |
bodyP1--; |
bodyP2--; |
} |
//update the previous to head node
auto headPrev = snake.begin(); |
headPrev++; |
*headPrev = *snake.begin(); |
headPrev->setImg(BODY); |
//based on direction, update the head
this->updateHead(); |
this->printSnake(); // print the snake and update the screen
} |
//Move Functions:
//For the move functions we must change
void Snake::moveUp(void){ |
snake.begin()->setImg('v'); |
this->direction = UP; |
this->move(); |
} |
void Snake::moveDown(void){ |
snake.begin()->setImg('^'); |
this->direction = DOWN; |
this->move(); |
} |
void Snake::moveLeft(void){ |
snake.begin()->setImg('>'); |
this->direction = LEFT; |
this->move(); |
} |
void Snake::moveRight(void){ |
snake.begin()->setImg('<'); |
this->direction = RIGHT; |
this->move(); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "Controller.h"
using namespace std; |
int main() { |
initializeGraphics(); |
Controller c; |
graphics_input in; |
while(c.wantsToQuit() == false){ |
c.readInput(); |
c.act(); |
} |
endGraphics(); |
return 0; |
} |
Reference in new issue